Celebrating Birthstones - Amethyst
Celebrating Birthstones
February Birthstone

The colors commonly associated with the Amethyst are a pale lilac, violet, red-violet, and a deep rich purple color. A popular gem used in jewelry, the original symbolic meaning of the color purple was for penitence and mourning. However, it became symbolic with wealth and power and strongly associated with Royalty as the dyes used for purple materials were extremely expensive to produce. It is commonly found in Brazil, Uruguay and Zambia.

Amethyst are believed to have healing properties that are reputed to be effective for headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues and general healing. It is also referred to as the "sobriety stone" as it was once believed to prevent drunkenness and used to treat alcoholism and other types of addictions.

Aside from healing, it is also associated with stability and peace, courage and inner strength, and sincerity, as well as a calm disposition.
