Watch Auctions with just a click

Monitoring active online auctions can be tedious — checking back regularly, finding the specific auction you are interested in again and again, etc. That's where your personalized Watch List comes in — enabling you to watch auctions with just a click.

How does it work?

Your personalized Watch List allows you to view all of your selected auctions in one central area, without even having to bid!

Go to an auction you'd like to watch, click Add to Watch List and it will automatically be added to your Watch List Directory.
Remember: You have to be logged in on your account to do this.

Navigate through auctions on your Watch List effortlessly. From "My Account" tab, click Watch List and you will see all of the auctions you have added — current and even past auctions will be there.

a) Previous auctions can be used as price comparisons for newly opened auctions
b) Never miss a bid activity on a current auction that you are eyeing

Too many auctions on your Watch List?

Clean it up by:
a) Selecting the auction on your Watch List page and clicking on delete; or
b) Going to the product auction page and clicking on the "Remove from Watch List" button

See. It's that simple, easy and fun!

Next time you see something that catches your eye, but you're not ready to bid, there's no need for you to worry.
Just watch it on your personalized Watch List.